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Sign of Digestive Disorders

Health Insurance

Sign of Digestive Disorders - Abdominal pain is identical to a problem with a digestive problem. In fact, in addition to stomach pain there are actually many symptoms of other digestive disorders that are often unconscious or considered trivial because they are considered unrelated.

Try checking, do you have one or several signs mentioned below? If so, you might secretly have a digestive disorder.

1. Hiccups

In the community, hiccups are considered typical. There are even many myths circulating about hiccups. For example: hiccups are considered as a sign that the child will grow taller and bigger. There are also those who think that someone has missed you, or some think that hiccups arise from drinking alcoholic beverages. In fact, it's all just a myth.

"Indeed, in most cases hiccups are a natural thing that occurs due to nerve stimulation under the lungs. However, if hiccups last for more than one stick or hiccups often occur repeatedly, then this is the time for you to be vigilant because your digestive problems , "Dr. Resthie Rachmanta Putri, M.Epid, from KlikDokter explained.

Indigestion that is often characterized by hiccups is gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. This is a disease characterized by muscle weakness in the lower esophagus, causing stomach acid to rise into the esophagus and mouth. Besides GERD, hiccups that are difficult to stop can also be a sign of digestive tract cancer.

2. Often farting

Fart is an ordinary compositions in the digestive tract as the body's mechanism for removing too much air in the digestive tract. However, if the frequency of farting is too often accompanied by a very unpleasant odor, this can be a sign of a gastrointestinal tract infection.

Again explained by Dr. Resthie, "This gastrointestinal infection can be caused by bacteria or parasites. In addition, if farting occurs after consuming certain foods, farting can be a sign of certain food intolerance, in the sense that there are substances in these foods that the body cannot digest."

3. Constipation

Constipation complaints are characterized by conditions that rarely defecate and consist of very hard stools. The most common cause of constipation is a person's lifestyle, such as lack of fiber, lack of drinking water, or it can be due to too much sitting. However, Dr. Resthie said that constipation can also be a sign of fractious inside disorder (IBS).

"IBS is a digestive disorder that is triggered by stress. Patients often experience constipation and pain repeatedly. Generally, after the sufferer succeeds in defecating, his stomach pain will slowly disappear," he explained.

Even so, Dr. Resthie also warned that constipation occurs in the elderly, the possibility of colon cancer. "Especially if constipation is accompanied by symptoms of weight loss and the shape of small, hard stools resembling goat droppings," he added.

If constipation occurs in infants, the possibility of Hirschsprung's disease, which is a congenital disease characterized by nerve disorders in the intestine.

4. Black colored lotion

Do not consider trivial if the stool that comes out during defecation is black with a soft or runny consistency. This condition indicates that there is bleeding in the digestive tract which requires further examination, and treatment of medical personnel in the hospital.

There are many things that can cause gastrointestinal bleeding. One thing that is most common is the presence of wounds in the stomach, rupture of blood vessels in the esophagus due to liver disease, or tumors in the digestive tract.

5. Yellow eyes

Yellow eyes indicate too much bilirubin (reddish yellow bile pigment which is the result of the breakdown of red blood cells by the liver) in the blood.

"Bilirubin is a substance produced from the breakdown of red blood cells, then undergoes compositions in the liver and bile ducts. The bilirubin will then be flowed into the intestine and removed with feces. The presence of yellow eyes shows expositions of metabolism of bilirubin that does not work. or bile duct, which is part of the digestive tract, "explained Dr. Resthie.

Well, in addition to abdominal pain, if you experience five signs above, your digestion can be problematic. In order not to worsen or prolonged, it is better to consult a doctor to ensure the presence or absence of digestive disorders, as well as proper and comprehensive handling according to the cause.