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Want Your Sperm Healthy? Consume 5 of these foods

Healt Insurance

Want Your Sperm Healthy? Consume 5 of these foods - Are you a married couple who do not have children yet? It could be one reason is because the husband's sperm is not healthy. Actually there are many factors that can affect sperm health and fertility, but there are several types of foods that are good for your sperm health.

Instead of carelessly taking drugs or supplements to support sperm health and fertility, it is better to prioritize the natural way by consuming five types of food below:

1. Shellfish

"Oysters are a type of seafood that is rich in zinc, which sperm also contains zinc. By consuming oysters, sperm production can automatically increase. In addition, the mineral content of zinc in oysters has an antiviral effect," said Dr. Alvin Nursalim from KlikDokter.

There are many studies that show that low zinc intake is associated with male infertility. Not only that, although the process is not yet clear, there are studies that find that zinc plays a major role in the immune system, including in wound healing.

2. Beans

Also said by Dr. Alvin, beans can increase sperm count. In addition, a diet that is rich in beans, such as a typical Mediterranean diet, can also reduce the risk of vascular disease.

Consuming peanuts is related to improvements in blood cholesterol levels based on information analysis of 25 studies published in May 2010 in the journal "Documents of Internal Medicine".

One type of nuts that you can consume is almonds. "These beans can increase immunity in the body due to the effects of stress. This is because the content of zinc in these beans is very much," individualized organization Dr. Alvin.

In addition, you can also consume pumpkin seeds, dispense beans, sunflower seeds, tofu and tempeh which are sources of zinc which are also good for the body.

3. Fill the salmon

Foods that are rich in protein are known to increase sperm. So, foods like salmon with high protein content are very good for sperm health. Besides salmon, foods that are also rich in protein are processed meat.

Not only high in protein, Dr. Alvin also said that salmon is a high source of omega-3, which is useful for preventing cholesterol in blood vessels and helps protect the heart against abnormal heart rhythms.

So, by eating salmon, not only healthy sperm you get, but also other health benefits such as having good cholesterol levels in the body.

4. Garlic

Although many people prefer to avoid garlic because it is considered to create an unpleasant smell, but apparently this type of food has many health benefits, including vitality and sperm.

"Garlic can increase blood flow to the genitalia and increase sperm strength. In addition, garlic is also rich in vitamin B6 and selenium which is useful for sperm health. Selenium and some other minerals can help protect the skin from free radical damage. selenium also works to prevent skin cancer, "Dr. Alvin explained.

5.Dark chocolate

Yes, chocolate is not only delicious but also rich in health benefits. If you and your partner are in a pregnant program, don't hesitate to consume dull chocolate. According to Dr. Alvin, dim chocolate is rich in L-Arginine HCL, the type of amino acid needed to increase the number and volume of sperm.

In addition to eating five types of food above, generally eat less carbs which are good for sperm health are low fat, high protein, wheat, and vegetable calories count. In addition to implementing a healthy diet, the key to sperm health is avoiding or managing stress and exercising regularly.