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Protect Your Child's Health When Joining the 17 August Competition

Healt Insurance

Protect Your Child's Health When Joining the 17 August Competition - However, competitions that are usually held actually do not pay attention to the cleanliness conditions. Moreover, competitions are usually carried out outdoors which makes the germs easily spread. These germs can cause illness for your child. If the little one falls ill after competing, it certainly makes you bother after the August 17 celebration.

According to Dr. Atika from Klikdokter, by applying healthy habits including maintaining cleanliness, children can participate in celebrating August 17's moments without worrying about getting sick.

Your children must be taken care of because there are other activities that await after August 17's program. Do not let your child be bothered by other activities because of not being taken care of his health at the moment of the celebration of Indonesia's independence day.

The following are some healthy habits that you can apply to your children:

1. Wash hands thoroughly

Teach your child to wash their hands cleanly after coming into contact with dirty objects or after moving outside. Teach also the correct way, namely washing hands using soap and running water, then clean all parts of the hands, including between nails.

2. Keep your nails short and clean

Long nails have the potential to "store" germs. For example, your child follows a land-related competition. Germs from the soil can cause digestive tract infections and result in malnutrition.

3. Bathe cleanly after sweating

Excessive sweating in the body causes faster growth of germs. Make sure your child takes a clean bath after physical activity. Ask him to clean his body carefully from head to foot. This is so that your child is free from dust and dirt, dead skin cells, and germs that attach.

4. Clean the wound with antiseptic fluid

Conditions that are also prone to occur in children when participating in the race are injured. This can happen because they fell, scratched or hit something. If the child is injured, do not be underestimated, because the wound can be the entrance to the bacteria Clostridium tetani that causes lockjaw disease. Immediately clean the wound with antiseptic liquid and cover with sterile gauze to avoid dirt or harmful germs.

5. Get enough rest

According to Dr. Caessar Pronocitro M.Sc Sp.A from Klikdokter, adequate rest for children is very necessary, especially if they are after physical activity. This is so that your child has immune system that makes children avoid various infections.

Do the tips above so that your child's joy at the August 17 moment is not broken. Parents must be careful in maintaining the health condition of the child so that they can avoid various diseases. Apply healthy habits to children from childhood, so that they are accustomed to doing it to adulthood.